mercoledì 31 luglio 2019

Gay club milano

Gay club milano

The best gay bars dance clubs, gay-rated hotels, gay saunas and gay cruise clubs in Milan. In Italy, a membership card is required for all gay cruise bars and clubs. Some gay partys and clubs in Milan require a membership card. Keep in mind that some of the clubs and parties in Milan have closed in summer, some only in August, some from mid-June to mid-September.

Its the place where the best gay clubs flourishe and also the city of the beautiful Duomo and the wonderful Castello Sforzesco. If you don t have an ARCO card yet, you can usually acquire it at the entrance of the venues that require the card.

The best


Milan Gay Milan travel guide 20with maps and for all gay bars and beaches, clubs and parties, saunas and cruising and hotels nearby. Milan is the place where fashion and trends meet, and when they are born. Travel Gay - The ultimate guide for the LGBT traveller - gay bar and club listings, hotel reviews and more. The bars and clubs are scattered all over Milan, but there are no particular gay areas (except a certain concentration in the Porta Venezia area).

Milan Our exclusive Milan gay map of the best gay bars, gay dance clubs, gay saunas and recommended hotels in Milan, Italy. You might have read about a so-called Gay Street, but that s just gay venues close to each other in Via Sammartini and can not be considered the gay center of Milan. Milan Gay fetish cruise club and leather bar that is designed to be dark and raw, with various themed nights including Naked Party, Open Cruising and Bi Night check the website for current agenda. The best Milan is the city, together with Rome, that hosts the best gay nights in Italy for sure.
DEPOT does not accept ANDDOS cards they have their own membership.

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Veillon interessato e sorpreso da questi luoghi trascurati e solitari che vantano per di un degrado quasi intatto, senza particolari atti di vandalismo.

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